Essay On Myers And Briggs Analysis

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Pages: 5

The famous Myers and Briggs analysis consists of a series of questions based on the theory of psychological types that was introduced by a psychologist that goes by the name Carl G. Yung. When answered, the questions are designed to be grouped together in order to determine the personalities of the person taking the test. These test results are designed to guide the tester in the direction of the career field that matches their results as closely as possible. There are sixteen different types of personalities that are also determined by four categories that express your judgement, show your introversion or extroversion, declare your senses of intuition, your feelings and how they affect your decisions, and if you are more perceptive or judgemental. As long as his or her answers to the questions provided are honest to their personal opinion, the test will give them an accurate result of what their personality truly consists of. Along with a lot of interesting facts, tips, career suggestions, and learning styles suited for those of that specific personality.
After completing the test myself and analyzing the results, it showed that I
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I am without a doubt the more talkative and social one of the group. Even when put into a group of complete strangers I feel as I am not the outcast but just the opposite, as I tend to talk to anyone who is willing to listen. Being that I am so outgoing, I would like to think I have a big heart and know how to really appreciate people. I am known to be a very busy person because I am always simultaneously juggling my daily life with school, projects, social events, and my current job. From all the traits the personality test has my results categorized in, I can see that it matches most of my traits to a tee and gives me the confidence I need to really go for exactly what I want to do in my future