Essay On No Man's Land

Submitted By kalen_avocado
Words: 1100
Pages: 5

No man’s land
Its meaning was clear to all sides, no man's land represented the area of ground between opposing armies, in this case, between trenches. These trenches have measured from one kilometer to as little as few hundred yards. In the latter, instance troops would be able to overhear conversation from their opposing trenches or readily lob grenades into their midst. During nightfall each side would dispatch parties to spy on the enemy, or to repair or extend barbed wire posts. Thousands were left dead or wounded at the end of early offensive campaigns. Soldiers knew that even slightly peaking or going over the top of the trench meant an automatic death sentence.
Treaty of Versailles
This treaty was specifically towards the Germans, being under this treaty for the Germans meant that they lost all colonial possessions, German colonies in Africa and the Pacific/Asia were divided up by the rapacious winning colonial powers such as Great Britain, France and Japan. Germany colonial claims in Asia, including territories in parts of China, were claimed by Japan, which angered Chinese nationalists and caused them to grow anti feelings. Loss of territory had a huge impact on German Nationalism. During the reign of Adolf Hitler his whole purpose was to gain territory back which was in the early 1930’s. As a response from France and Britain's need for greater 'security', German military power was reduced. One of Germans possessions which were their Navy was handed over to Britain. This treaty also limited German to how much men they could have in their army, which was no larger than 100,000. Germany was forbidden to build heavy arms, weapons with massive destructive power developed during the war. The consequence and effects of this treaty secured a long term long-term resentment in Germany in the post-war period. The Conditions that the Germans lived in during the era of this treaty created a lot of misery and anger.
Great Depression
During the 1920s and 1930s, economic collapse and crises culminated in the Great Depression. As the economic collapsed it led to the sufferings of millions throughout the world. The cost of total war mobilization resulted in countries having deep debt. Even the side that has won such as Great Britain, France and Italy found themselves with such consequences as costs of four years of waging total war and lost commercial profits, years in which they produced only destruction and death. The *losing* countries held more burdens like territorial loss and war reparations. Germany, out of all countries has suffered the most. Major Powers of Europe entered the war as strong colonial masters, ALL European states, winners and losers, found them in debt at the end of this war. The results of this Great War led to consequence such as economic transformation. 13 to 15 million Americans were unemployed and nearly half of the country’s banks had failed. Though the responsibility was put into place by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, he has helped lessen the worst effects of the Great Depression in the 1930s; the economy would not improve till the 1939’s, when the American industry kicked in. The American economy entered an ordinary recession during the summer of 1929, as consumer spending dropped and unsold goods began to pile up, slowing production. As buyers disappeared in the wake of the stock market crash, the downturn in spending and investment led factories and other businesses to slow down production and construction and began firing their workers. During the recovery in the spring of 1933, the economy continued to improve and grew throughout the next three years, during which real GDP (adjusted for inflation) grew at an average rate of 9 percent per year. When the Great Depression began, the United States was the only industrialized country in the world without some form of unemployment insurance or social security. In 1935, Congress passed the Social Security Act, which for the first time provided