Essay On Pledge Of Allegiance

Words: 781
Pages: 4

Should students be forced to Stand During the Pledge of Allegiance? As the title states “ Should students be forced to Stand During the Pledge of Allegiance?’ I say absolutely, positively no. This is a important subject that I hope you agree with me.

For the first time in American history children across the nation stood up, faced their new American flag and said these 23 words “I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands--one nation indivisible--with liberty and justice for all.” Those words were written by one Francis Bellamy. Bellamy worked for the “Youth's Companion Magazine” when he wrote the original pledge of allegiance. He wrote that pledge to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus discovering the new world(Crawford 9). Bellamy gave marketing, political, and sometimes racist speeches
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I myself am an atheist, so I do disagree with the “under god” part of the pledge and I almost daily debate with myself on whether I should stand during the 3rd period pledges. While I do refuse to say under god during the pledge I don’t think it would be very smart to cause an uproar and this would most likely cause an uproar and trust me if I refused to stand in this uber conservative town I might be burned at the stake. While I personally stand there are many adults and youths across this nation being persecuted for exercising their First Amendment right. These atheists and humanist across the nation refuse to stand because they are protesting the under god and hope that due to their actions they take out that part of the pledge. A another group are the jehovah's witness, but I will go into detail about that group in my next point. Another reason to not stand is a complete refusal to pledge your oath to any nation, whether it be a certain part or the whole idea of pledging to a