Essay On Police Subculture

Words: 593
Pages: 3

Subculture is a culture group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture. In order to simplify such a complex term, subculture is the culture of a group of people that differs from the large group. Police are said to have a subculture within their job setting. This subculture is defined as a specific set of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors exhibited by those in law enforcement.
Police subculture weakens the ability of officers to provide efficient policing to their communities. When the officers are either afraid of the people they are serving or have a god complex and feel high and mighty. Law enforcement afraid of serving their community becomes dangerous because the community does not receive proper attention and likewise allows crime to grow. If law enforcement gets a god complex and begins to over enforce then the community will reject them and make the officers job even harder.
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The officers sense of camaraderie and support that comes from a police subculture allows for a sense of security in a job place with so many unknowns. During any shift and officer can go from being calm and collected, to a high speed chase with an unknown subject. Just being able to count of the brothers in blue officer are able to complete this task with that security of knowing they will be taken care of no matter the outcome. These positive aspects in police subculture can be seen as both positive and negative in the light of police reform. Positive aspects are that the officers are seen as brothers and there for one another. Whilst the negative aspects are that this brotherhood and togetherness actually separates the officers from the