Essay On Poverty In America

Words: 683
Pages: 3

In Africa, the poverty is obvious. There are people who have no money and little to no food. In America, it’s a little different. America doesn’t have mass starvation, but that doesn’t mean that poverty doesn’t exist. Poverty in America is more a lack of security and basic necessities. What effects does poverty have on people? By analyzing health, education, economy, and society, the effects that poverty has, not only on people, but also on the country, become clear. Poverty has a large affect on people’s health. When people are unable to afford proper food, it can lead to serious health issues, such as obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. (Mukherjee). When people can’t afford healthy foods they will buy cheap foods, which typically contain a lot of sugar, a lot of fat, and a lot of chemicals. Malnutrition is also a problem that comes from poverty. Malnutrition comes from the lack of a balanced diet and proper nutrients, which can come from eating too much processed food or not enough food in generally. Several people don’t even have enough money to buy even the cheapest of foods, which causes them to miss meals. Also, sanitation conditions are typically very …show more content…
It is a danger to us all, even if we don’t realize it. Is there a way to stop poverty? Or at least reduce it somehow? The answered to that is, yes. “The restraints that confine people to the ghetto are those that result from insufficient investments in the public sector. And the means to escape from these constraints and to break their hold on subsequent generations just motioned-better nutrition and health, better education, more and better housing, better mass transportation, an environment more conductive to effective social participation-all, with rare exceptions, call for massively greater investment in public sector.” (Jacobus 507). By providing better quality of the items listed above, poverty can be massively