Essay on Salem witch trials

Submitted By dgallegos13
Words: 1601
Pages: 7

Creating a National Bank
Report on a National Bank-Hamilton’s report that proposed for a bank of the US
-raise $10 million through a public stock offering
-provide a safe place for the federal government to deposit tax revenues
-make inexpensive loans to the government when taxes fell short
-help relieve the scarcity of hard cash by issuing paper notes that would circulate as money

Emerging Partisanship
-arrangements for rescuing the nation's credit provided enormous gains for speculators, merchants, and other investors in the port cities who by 1790 held most of the Revolutionary debt
-Jefferson, Madison, and their supporters began referring to themselves as “republicans
-Freneau (antifederalist) attacked Hamilton relentlessly, accusing him of trying to create an aristocracy and monarchy in America.

Whiskey Rebellion
-Whiskey Rebellion- 100 men attacked a US marshal serving taxpayers with summonses to appear in court at Philly. 500 burned the chief revenue officer’s house after a shootout with federal soldiers
-Hamilton wanted to tax whiskey
-One hundred western Pennsylvanians attacked a U.S. marshal serving sixty delinquent taxpayers with summonses to appear in court at Philadelphia
-One hundred western Pennsylvanians attacked a U.S. marshal serving sixty delinquent taxpayers with summonses to appear in court at Philadelphia

The United States in a Wider World, 1789–1796

-rapid spread of pro-French revolutionary ideas and organizations alarmed Europe's monarchs and aristocrats
-threat to their social orders as well as their territorial interests, most European nations declared war on France by early 1793 differences over foreign policy fused with differences over domestic affairs, further intensifying partisan-ship in American politics.

Spanish Power in Western North America
-colonists in New Mexico and Texas depended on the Comanches as sources of some European goods
-Russia's move into Alaska as a threat, Spain expanded northward on the Pacific coast from Mexico Alta California
-Spain hoped to dominate North America between the Pacific and the Mississippi River
Challenging American Expansion, 1789–1792
-Spain unexpectedly opened New Orleans to American commerce
-the federal government anxiously admitted Vermont, Kentucky, and Tennessee to the Union
-Washington also tried to weaken Spanish influence by neutralizing Spain's most important ally, the Creek Indians
-Creek leader Alexander McGillivray signed the Treaty of New York-treaty permitted American settlers to remain on lands in the Georgia piedmont fought over since
-Henry Knox, adopted a harsher policy toward Native Americans who resisted efforts by American citizens to occupy the Ohio valley
-first U.S. military effort collapsed when a coalition of tribes chased General Josiah Harmar and 1,500 troops from the Maumee Rive
-one thousand Shawnee warriors surrounded an encampment of fourteen hundred soldiers led by General Arthur St. Clair (failure)
-Spain persuaded the Creeks to renounce the Treaty of New York and resume hostilities
-Americans that the combined strength of Britain, Spain, and the Native Americans could be counterbalanced only by an alliance with France.
France and Factional Politics
-French Revolution began in 1789
-France declared an international revolutionary war of all peoples against all kings and began a “Reign of Terror
-slave uprising in the Caribbean colony of Saint Domingue became a revolution against French rule
-feared that an alliance with France would provoke British retaliation against American commerce
-Southern elites, on the other hand, viewed Americans' reliance on British commerce as a menace to national self-determination and wished to divert most U.S. trade to France
-western settlers and speculators hoped for a French victory that, they reasoned, would induce Britain and Spain to cease blocking U.S. expansion
-French dispatched Edmond Genet -minister to the United States with