Essay On Skinning Experience

Words: 763
Pages: 4

This lab was a new experience for most individuals in our class; no one has probably made incisions on an animal before. We were given a fetal pig, and we have never seen a pig without its skin; therefore, we learned the best way to skin the pig. In order to be the most successful when skinning, we had to hold the scissors perpendicular to the pig. We then had to make a centimeter cut and then pull back the skin. This technique would help us avoid ripping any muscle or too much muscle. Through our skinning experience, we learned that the skin was more closely, and securely connected in the facial and throat area as well as the cranial area of the fetal pig. A term that was new to us was “fascia”; it is a connective tissue that holds the skin to muscle. We also had to see if under the skin, we could view dots. Dots were a good sign when skinning because we were not detaching any muscle. Not only did we learn this, but we also learned that the cranial divisions in the skull were visible after the skin was removed. The visibility of the muscles helped us expand our knowledge greatly because we have never seen a muscle before. (Of course without skin) Another interesting observation we were able to see, was the striation of the muscles. We have alway been told that the skeletal muscles had lines, but from skinning, we could actually see the …show more content…
One day, we would cut both forelegs, and the next we would cut the two hind legs. Then on another day, we focus entirely on the rest of the torso and dorsal side instead of cutting one fore leg a day, a hind leg a day, and then the rest of the body all in one day. This process possibly would allow all groups to finish at the same time, and groups would not be further than others. Other than this thought, the experiment was very beneficial for us, and we would not change anything