Essay On Stricter Gun Laws

Words: 723
Pages: 3

Why there should be stricter gun laws.
Trying to picture a world without any gun drama, like shootings, suicide, and many more gun related causes is hard to picture. That would be amazing if we could wake up to a country and not have to worry about a shooting or bad people with guns. If there was stricter gun laws there would be less chance of these things happening like shootings or other gun related things. Gun laws need to become stricter because these three reasons, one, there are way too many school shooting, it would lessen the number of suicide deaths, and finally It will take guns out of our irresponsible teens and adults.
First of all there has been around 215 school shootings in the past 4 years, that's a lot of shootings. Having stricter gun laws will take will make that number drop dramatically. (Ariel Edwards), says that, “with stricter gun laws it will make it harder for students and adults to cause a shooting’’.This is true because if they make stricter gun laws students will not be able to use guns so if they can't use them there is a good chance that they can't find a way to bring a gun to school.Also Edwards says that with stricter gun laws there will be more security in schools all around the nation.And finally in a Huffington post 55 percent
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Also said by CNN reporters is that Missouri has had a lot more suicide then Connecticut due to them declining a law of a permit to purchase a weapon. This shows that states with stricter gun laws have less chance of committing suicide then a state without strict gun laws.And finally it stricter gun laws will make it harder for people to get a gun to commit suicide.(BY EVAN DEFILIPPIS AND DEVIN HUGHES).This is pretty obvious but with less people with guns the fewer amount of