Essay On The 26th Amendment

Words: 329
Pages: 2

Creator-President Dwight Eisenhower wanted to lower the voting age down to an 18 year old requirement. Richard Nixon actually signed the law or “amendment”

In 1970 the 26th amendment was involved with a court case called “ Oregon V. Mitchell”. Because of this, the supreme court made the voting requirement 18 years old for the federal elections. But, the states had to come up with the age requirement for their own state and local elections.

Passed march 23 1971

First; The 26th amendment was passed on March 23, 1971. Dwight Eisenhower made up the idea lowering the voting age to 18 years old. Richard Nixon actually signed it and made it relevant.The voting age was originally 21 until young men refused to the right to vote, when they had to fight for their country. Meaning, they were fighting for the country and they couldn’t even vote for the person in charge of that. (president)
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It all started when Dwight publically announced that he was in favor of lowering the voting age from 21 to 18. Richard Nixon was president at the time of when they took it into consideration. Richard Nixon then signed the amendment to become relevant. The 26th amendment was born on March 23, of 1971.

Third; In 1970 the 26th amendment was involved with a court case called “ Oregon V. Mitchell”. Because of this, the supreme court made the voting requirement 18 years old for the federal elections. But, the states had to come up with the age requirement for their own state and local elections. In the Court, Oregon was not in favor of lowering its voting age to 18. They said it was “unconstitutional”. A town in Maryland allowed 16 and 17 year olds to participate in voting for a local election. That was the very first time someone under the age of 18 was allowed to