Essay On The American Revolution Dbq

Words: 2184
Pages: 9

The American Revolution marked a significant change for Americans, setting us free from the control of the British Crown. As a result of the actions of the British, such as the Stamp Act, the Quartering Act, and the Townshend Acts, the American identity began forming, proving us different from our colonial leaders. We were inspired by John Locke, an Enlightenment thinker who believed in the ideals of natural rights. Thus proving ourselves to be different, it was time to break the shackles that trapped us under British control. Beginning in 1776, the American Revolution ultimately led to the creation of a new American Government, changing society forever. Along with this, the American Revolution marked the first instance of war against a British …show more content…
Native Americans were afraid of war and conflict and hoped to appeal to American emotions by conveying their emotions and thoughts in this important speech (Doc 3). Ultimately, what is important to consider is that the American Revolution inspires us to further expand and blossom, making us avoid the upset sentiments of the Native Americans. As a result, our nation continued its efforts to expand through Native land, regardless of war threats as the idea of being this large and powerful nation grew important. Meanwhile, the American Revolution, which projected the idea of property being a natural right, ultimately inspired poor American farmers to chase this dream of holding land. The Revolution acted as this turning point as to who was to have a voice in our society by allowing all men in this great nation to vote, regardless of land ownership. This new right, however, did not stop these farmers from chasing their dreams of holding land. As seen in this Medal of the Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, the depiction of a farmer ploughing his land with his wife in tow represents this new idea of prosperity in our