Essay On The Curse Of Macbeth

Words: 551
Pages: 3

Macbeth was a Scottish play written and performed by the famous William Shakespeare. Way back when, this play was the one everyone wanted to see. Little did the viewers know, there is known to be a curse behind this famous play. There are many theories behind this curse, actual evidence of this curse and a way to undo the curse
During the play Macbeth, it is known to have curse if an actor speaks the name “Macbeth.” There are many theories as to why a curse has been put on the play. The most talked about theory and the most believed is that the play has a history of bad luck. It makes sense when thinking about the evil spirits and spells that are involved in the play. But there are two more. “The plays crowd pleasing popularity made it the stand-by when a show was flopping.” But like mentioned before, there is something mystical about the sisters and or the sisters actions, words, spells, and charms (Curse- Macbeth).
In the time of the play production, many odd and evil things had happened to actors before, during and even after the shows. During the very first performance of the
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The technique is called a “Cleansing Ritual.” When the name of the play is spoken in a theatre, tradition requires the person who spoke it to leave, perform the cleansing rituals and then be invited back in. To avoid saying Macbeth in the theatre, actors would say The Scottish Play, Mackers, Macdiddy and or Macbee. The rituals are supposed to ward off the evil that uttering the play’s name is feared to bring on. There are two ways of getting rid of the evil. The first way includes turning around three times, spitting over your left shoulder, swearing, and or speaking a line from another famous play. The other way is much more simple. You must still spin around three times while brushing yourself off and yelling Macbeth three times. After the rituals are complete, you are allowed to enter the theatre again ("The Macbeth