Essay On The Great Migration

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Pages: 3

The Great Migration
In U.S. History we are talking about the 1920s, different events happened in only 10 years. One of those events was The Great Migration this all began in 1917 but it follow through upon the 1920s till the early 70s. I’m gonna talk to you about why it happened, how they migrated, and where they went and why.
Congress passed the Selective Service Act on May 10, 1917, which required all men ages 21 to 31 to register for military duty. On registration day more than 700,000 black men enrolled. By war’s end, nearly 2.3 million had answered the call. More than 4 million defraties enrolled of those 367,000 were African Americans. Segregation in military service reflected the segregation in civilian life. Blacks were kept from the Marine Corps and the Army Air Corps and in the U.S. Navy they were assigned only menial jobs. African Americans had to fight to establish a black officer training program. On the battlefield, many infantry units in the all black 92nd U.S. Army Division distinguished themselves.
The summer of 1919 began the greatest period of conflict in U.S. history, including a disturbing wave of race riots. The most serious took place in Chicago in
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They urgently needed workers so they paid for 12,000 blacks to come up work in the North. World War I was the first time since the blacks were free from black labor it was in demand outside of the agricultural south, and the economic promise was enough for many blacks to overcome substantial challenges to migrate. Migrants were forced to have to compete over living quarters and they had poor working conditions. The blacks were forced to sharecrop their land because of the Jim Crow Laws that didn’t allow them with many opportunities to expand. Many new arrivals found jobs in factories, slaughterhouses and foundries where working conditions that were tiring and sometimes