Essay On Underwater Welding

Words: 452
Pages: 2

What I want to learn is under water welding.wouldn't it be interesting to get called out to the field to go dive underwater and weld a barge. So I want to go out there in the field and put The right parts together and weld Iwill tell you about my learning style. Then what in will be learning my goals in getting this goal Then what is beyond. So that is what i want to tell you about in life. My learning style is hands on i'm a tactile learner. so which would mean to be a person who gets in and does the work with the person to show me. Like i'm good in a book but i'd rather have someone show me how to do the exercise or other things that are not in a book or a study guide. With would end up being good for the college for underwater welding will go good because the school is mainly watching them then doing stuff. I like swimming and going under water …show more content…
Then i will get a miniature diving scholarship. Then all i have to do good in school and i will be going to the school any day after school ends. Then all i have to do is get the 2 years of cad i will end up needing to get into the training school i need to go to for there to go to be a specialist in underwater welding. There is no classes in this school that will help me in my future goals so im stuck going to this school . After school i will go to training right after school and then once i'm out of school and i will. Then i will continue to take the classes in welding and diving classes but then they will be advanced. Then if the underwater welding fails i will go to community college and get a degree in english. Then when i get the degree i will go down to miami florida were the marina is to go help out with the ever ending problems of the metal barge. Then i will probably end up retiring at 45 and end up back in washington to visit