Essay On Why Abortion Is Wrong

Words: 641
Pages: 3

Abortion is Wrong

“11 million people were killed in the Holocaust. Thirty-five million people were killed during the rule of Joseph Stalin. Fifty-three million people have been killed by abortion in America since 1973. Abortion is the ultimate violence” (Robert P. Casey). Seeing that there were more abortions since the year 1973 than there were people killed in the Holocaust makes me think abortion is even more wrong. Aborting a child is not the proper way to solve your “problem”. I feel that abortion shouldn’t be an option in the first place because there are many other options for you and your child. Here are just a few of the very many reasons as to why I think abortion is wrong. One reason I believe abortion shouldn’t be allowed is because a child is a child the minute it is conceived. Helping people to believe that
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Before killing an innocent child, you should think of all the other options that are out there. One option is adoption. With adoption you get the chance to keep a close open relationship with your child and it is free. Another option instead of abortion would be to put your child in temporary guardianship. This allows you to give your child to a friend or family member this gives you a chance to stabilize yourself and still be allowed to get your child back when you're ready. Third, you can place your child with a family member. If you place your child with a family member you have the chance to keep the child in the family and you can stay close without the full responsibility. Adoption is a way better option than abortion. In conclusion, it is important to see that abortion doesn't solve anything it can just cause more pain to the mother and child. Adoption should have never became an option for any woman. Aborting your child is killing something you chose to create in the first place. So, before making this huge life decision consider the other options you