Essay On Why School Should Start Later

Words: 1226
Pages: 5

You reach your hand out one more time to hit the snooze button. When you finally roll over you realize it is 5:15 in the morning. You groan realizing you did not go to sleep until 1:30 a.m. Why do students have to be in school so early? The school day should start later than it does. Students should not have to be in school early because it decreases tardies and absences, reduces the chance of a student being in a car accident, increases productivity, and minimizes the chance of a student having health problems. For a while now the average high school start time around the country has been 7:40 a.m. At first, researchers believed that by starting school early, students will perform better in school. But, as time went on and technology developed, scientists saw how disastrous it is to students’ health. Starting school at a later time has become a trend in a lot of high schools across America. Schools are beginning to change their school start time due to a recent study conducted by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). The study proved that …show more content…
Driving is a big deal, that most high schoolers look forward to. Its is a sign of freedom and maturity. 89% of high schoolers drive to school almost everyday. Based on a recent study by Drowsy Driving 60% of drivers have gotten behind the wheel feeling sleepy, because students are sleepy everyday when they get behind the wheel to go to school they put their life at risk (Facts and Stats). Considering this, the start time should be pushed back for the students safety. But, not only are they putting their life at danger, they are endangering those around them. The Fayette County school system in Kentucky found that by pushing their start time back one hour, they saw a drastic decrease in car accidents in drivers 16 to 18. While everywhere else, where the start time remained the same, the car crash rate