Demographic Trends In The United States

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Pages: 5

Final Project What has helped me better understand or relate to others in ways that I may have not in the past was probably during a crucial time in America, and that was 9/11. Many people had a hard time liking Muslims and I didn’t quite understand. I gradually figured out that because some Muslims are bad doesn’t mean that all Muslims are bad. I have grown a respect for Muslims and for other races. As an African American, I have not learned anything new about my family or our culture. What I have realized is that I hear about African American leaders, and people who have stood up for their race. I feel honored at times to be who I am, I don’t neglect my race at all, and I embrace it. If trends continue in the United States, the …show more content…
I learn things from people that don’t surround themselves with such negative thoughts or actions towards different race or ethnic background. I can appreciate someone who was raised in the times where it was ok to treat someone with disrespect because the way they looked. Growing up I used to spend a lot of time with my grandparents. My grandfather was black and my grandmother was Italian. I asked them how in the world were they even able to be around each other during mid 50’s. My grandmother would tell me all the time that it was hard but she loved my grandfather and would do what ever it took to be in a relationship with him. She also mentioned that her in laws hated her but tolerated her because that is the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. At the end of the day, it is the relationships that have formed all over the United States that spread and people learned to appreciate one another for who they are and not what they looked like. What we can learn from that is to appreciate one another a little bit more and not try and judge one on the content of their skin but for who they are on the inside. To be more inclusive and pluralistic, I could make it a point to think things through, and to be myself. Not second guess myself and understand my own beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors towards others. I could examine other