Ethical Leadership

Words: 656
Pages: 3

Although there were many different topics presented in the readings this week, one topic in particular caught my attention. Within the reading titled Introduction to Leadership, Northouse discusses what an ethical leader’s character looks like. A leader’s character is defined as “the qualities, disposition, and core values of the leader” (Northouse 231). Other factors related to ethical leadership include the actions, goals, power, honesty, and values of the leader. Even though a leader’s character is only a small part of being a successful and ethical leader, it is still very important. People like to follow strong, trustworthy leaders who work towards goals that help everyone simultaneously. Furthermore, “ethical leaders use moral means to achieve their goals” and should be honest while using their power for the common good (Northouse 233). Developing a better character is possible, but it is important to focus on these six main dimensions: caring, citizenship, respect, fairness, …show more content…
A person with strong character is someone who is most likely easy to get along with, which makes group projects that much easier. Individuals with good character traits also tend to be leaders, so building a better character will also make me a better leader overall. Taking on a leadership position in a school club or even in simple class assignments can help me gain recognition from my peers and instructors. Respect is one of the six main aspects of good character. If I respect others, they will respect me. Having mutual respect with my instructors will allow me to speak with them out of class about assignments and tests, knowing that they will provide me with answers and genuinely want me to succeed. Being trustworthy and responsible gains respect from instructors, and the other aspects of good character can be applied to college as