Essay on Ethical theory for IT professional

Submitted By abhilib12
Words: 2341
Pages: 10

32451 Project Management – Alexander’s Deli - Case Study

University of Technology, Sydney
Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology
32541 – Project Management
Assignment One
This is an Individual Assignment

15 marks (15%)


Project Charter


Hardcopy - In class 6.00pm 15th September 2014
Softcopy - UTS Online Dropbox 6.00pm 15th September 2014


1, 2 & 3

Graduate Attributes: A1, A2, B3, B4, D1, E1, E3
This assignment is based on the Alexander’s Deli case study (attached).
You have been appointed as Project Manager of the Alexander’s “Deli-Online” project. The
Project Sponsor has asked you to “do an initial scoping of the project”, keeping in mind that the project should be finished by the end of June 2015.
As you are new to Alexander’s Deli, you inquire as to what must be covered in the initial project scoping. You are informed that this step in Alexander’s project management methodology is called a “Project Charter” and is used to lay out the project’s basic parameters for signoff by the senior executive team. If the broad parameters of the project are approved, then the project can proceed to the project planning phase.
The project charter must contain the following sections however other sections can be added at your discretion.
1. The document purpose
2. A brief description of the background to the project
3. The project’s Measureable Organization Value (MOV)
4. The project stakeholders (with names and contact details)
5. A definition of the project’s scope (product-oriented only)
6. A three level Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
7. The project’s success criteria
8. Summary
9. Recommendations
It is envisaged that your project charter will be approximately 1,000 to 1,500 words in length
(excluding appendices, table of contents, signatory page, and executive summary).
Your submission will be assessed as follows.
Appropriate layout, style and use of language etc

2 marks

Content appropriate to a project charter

6 marks

Relevance of content and solution to the project

7 marks

Non Submission

15 marks
0 marks

Late assignments will be deducted one mark per day late, more than seven days late the assignment will receive zero. Special consideration, for late submission, must be arranged beforehand with the Subject Coordinator.
© Alan Sixsmith, 2014


32451 Project Management – Alexander’s Deli - Case Study

Submission Guidelines
The project charter must be written in the context of the project and use the assignment 1 template available in UTS Online. The project charter must include all sections detailed in the template.
The report body should allow margins of three (3) centimeters for comments and use one and a half (1.5) line spacing.
All diagrams and tables (if used) should be numbered, titled and explained the text. All lists must have lead-in text.
All sheets for the project charter, including the cover sheet, must be stapled together at the top left hand corner. Do not enclose your assignment in any covers.
Do not directly copy text from the case study.
All material derived from other works (except the assignment case study) must be acknowledged. If using material derived from other sources the report must have:
1. A bibliography/reference list of all works included in the research report. This should list the books and articles, which have been quoted or used in the research report; they should be arranged alphabetically by author's surname with anonymous works listed first
2. The acknowledgement of all evidence and sources of information using the Harvard
Referencing System.
3. If diagrams and tables are used to explain the text they should be numbered, titled and, if copied from literature, the source should be quoted immediately underneath.
Referencing Guidelines
Students should also refer to the following available in UTS Online