Ethics In Social Work

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Pages: 3

Values and Ethics
Social workers make an important commitment to the improvement of society and enhancing the lives of people. As a social worker, you might work on the macro level, which mean working for an association, organization, or community, or you may deal with the micro scale level. A micro level example would be private work on giving individual therapy. Rather working on the micro, mezzo, or macro level, service providers are required to stick to a professional code of ethics, which includes the core values of social work. For the research I will be conducting on childhood poverty ethics and values are a key of importance.
Service to others is one of the fundamental values in social work. Social workers recognize that serving others is more essential than self-interest and put the requirements of their clients before of their own. The value of competence requires that you practice in your area of expertise. Integrity implies acting genuinely,
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There are a vast number of different populations and individuals who require help and support. Improving the welfare of individuals require social workers to be able to cooperate with individuals from various backgrounds, economic statuses and religious beliefs. Clients may speak different languages or struggle with communication different ways. Diversity is the key to competence for effective social workers, and grasping the skill improves the ability to advocate for all.
Racial differences in family structure account for some, but not all of the differences in child poverty. In most urban communities African American single headed households are subject to poverty. The lack of access to resources and inadequate or limited income is common among minorities in the struggle to provide for the needs of their families. Profound poverty is particularly evident for black