Ethos Pathos And Logos To Write An Essay On Our Idols

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Pages: 3

our idols are just as real. Money, fame, work, or pleasure can become idols when we concentrate on them to give us personal identity, meaning, and security in life. Putting our trust in anything but God is idolatry. And idols can lead us in only one direction-away from God. Second, the Israelites practiced sexual immorality. Their desire to blend in with their Moabite neighbors caused them to loosen their spiritual commitment. Paul says in verse 8, that 23,000 Israelites died as a result of God’s judgment. Today the notion prevails that pornography, extramarital sex, homosexuality, and whatever may happen between ‘consenting adults’ creates no victims. Israel serves as reminder of what can happen to us if we adopt a cultural view of sexual ethics and engage in sexual immorality. …show more content…
Some accused God of carrying out an evil plan instead of a good one. Numbers 21 records the story of the people questioning the goodness and plan of God. “Why have you brought us out of Egypt to die here in the wilderness?” they asked God (Numbers 21:5). How arrogant, after all God had done for them. Yet we do the same thing. When a difficult situation comes into our lives, how often do we say, “God, why are you doing this to me?” His plans for us are always good, even when they include adversity (Romans 8:28-29). When we assume that we know better than God what is the right path for us and accuse God of abusing us, we risk drifting even further away from Him. Paul highlights Israel’s fourth failure in verse 10. The Israelites frequently complained against God’s appointed leaders, Moses and Aaron. They were blaming Moses and Aaron for their troubles. When we are far from God, we tend to blame those whom God uses to bring us back to the right