ETR Summary Essay

Submitted By christinebogue
Words: 2115
Pages: 9

ETR Summary
Christine Bogue
November 18, 2014

Student Information Jay is a sixth grade student at Worthington Middle School in Worthington Schools . He is a
13 year old male who has transferred at the beginning of the school year (2012­2013) from
Private School where he received services as Other Health Impaired since he was in the third grade. He received support services from the Reading Improvement Program and English as a Secondary Language Personnel. He was born in Palestine and moved to the United States at age 5. Arabic is his primary language. The Evaluation Team has completed Jay’s reevaluation (October, 2012) following review of his current IEP. They have found his current IEP contained minimal information regarding his academic strengths and needs. In addition, his required reevaluation is due in April of 2013 and academic information needed to be updated prior to this date as Academic Present
Levels of Performance on Jay’s IEP was limited. Since the beginning of the school year, Jay has been receiving comparable services dictated by his prior IEP, implemented at Private
School last school year. Jay currently participates in the general curriculum and receives daily small group instruction in Math and Reading (Reading in the Content Areas) taught by the Intervention Specialists. The Evaluation Team included assessments and observations from teachers, parents, school psychologist, speech pathologist, and the school nurse. Data and information from Jay’s prior records, standardized testing, evaluations, and current IEP information, were reviewed and included. Specifically, teacher and parent observations, classroom performance/work samples, test performance, grades, standardized testing, state/district testing, hearing/vision screening, behavior checklists, and school records were included to complete Jay’s reevaluation and provide information pertinent to the development of his IEP.

Description of Strengths Educational/Academic: Jay has adjusted well as a new student at Worthington School. He is described as a motivated worker who is compliant, well behaved, and enthusiastic. Despite his initial difficulties adjusting to his new schedule, he has adapted well and advocates for himself as needed. The WIAT­II was administered to Jay to determine his academic skills in Reading and Written
Expression. His Basic Reading score was in the Average range at 58th percentile which shows his strengths in decoding words in isolation. His Written Expression score was also in the Average Range at 25th percentile. On the Spelling subtest, Jay scored 45% which shows his strength in encoding. These results are mirrored in his scores on the Wilson Assessment of Decoding and Encoding (WADE) as he scored 90% on Total Reading and 94% on Total
Spelling. Jay was able to read and spell 100% of the sight words on the WADE. In Mathematics, Jay’s strengths were evident in the AIMSweb Math Computation assessment as he is able to perform basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems. He shows proficiency in using a calculator. Jay was able to raise his score from 10th percentile to 25th percentile when given extended time and use of a calculator. Furthermore, teacher observation and class work samples show that Jay acquires math concept knowledge when he is given explicit instruction including modeling, consistent feedback, and corrective redirection on errors. Speech and Language: Jay was administered the CELF­4 to evaluate his overall language skills which showed strengths in his spoken vocabulary and ability to form sentences that are meaningful and grammatically correct. Jay was administered the Ohio Test of English Language Acquisition in Spring 2012 and scored Level 5 (Full English Proficient) in the Speaking subtest which demonstrates Jay’s strength in expressive language. Social/Emotional & Functional