Eulogy For American Heroism

Words: 659
Pages: 3

“If this is your first time hearin' this
You are about to experience somethin' so cold he never had nothin' handed, took nothin' for granted
Took nothin' from no man, man, he’s his own man.”
Those are (more or less) the first four lines in verse one of Kanye West’s song “We Don’t Care”, one of his favorite songs. This is a great introduction to who our classmate Jeron is. As you can see Jeron covered his poster with two categories of pictures that revolve around his interests. His love for computers and video games.

Jeron has an infatuation with anything technology related. The keyboard symbolizes his love for computers. Everything else are pictures from his favorite video game: “Last of Us” which is about an infection that turns humans into zombies. I have come to the conclusion that he is somewhat a computer-video game nerd informed on what to do, and what not to do during a zombie apocalypse. His interest in technology lead him to prefer to type his assignments rather than handwriting.

These days it’s hard to come across a teen without a phone along with earbuds listening to music. Jeron is no different. Two more of his favorite artists are
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This is my first time meeting Jeron, and since He told me so much about himself during the interview I did not have much of a chance to form an evaluation on his personality. However, out of the two assumptions I had one was contradicted. My first assumption was that he is a cool and laid back person based on our interviews. I would have never guessed that he was a troubled as a kid. I guess Sasha really is one of the greatest life changes that helped shape him. My contradicted assumption was that he was not an artsy person, but welding is all about art. Jeron is “on track so rest assured” that he will “stack his money till it gets sky high.” Higher than the skyscrapers he might be constructing along with railroads, bridges, ships, or automotive