Evolutionary Creation Rhetorical Analysis

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Pages: 4

The belief that God created the universe and everything in it through the process of evolution is called evolutionary creation. This belief has become popularized with many Christians today. Evolutionary creation appeals to Christians with its idea that science and scripture are complementary and that they both are needed for a strong, mature faith. Denis O. Lamoureux, author of “Evolutionary Creation: Moving Beyond the Evolution Versus Creation Debate”, outlines the beliefs that evolutionary creationists value and find to be true. Lamoureux begins his article by assessing the core ideas of evolutionary creation. First he addresses the creation itself. Evolutionary creationists believe that instead of God creating the world in six literal days, He created it over the course of thousands if not millions of years. These Christians …show more content…
They believe that the Holy Spirit spoke to people writing the Bible using their ideas, understandings of the natural world, and literary conventions. This gives modern Christians a misrepresentation of the actual events of creation. Evolutionary creationists support this viewpoint by separating the first chapters of Genesis into three sections: divine theology, ancient science, and ancient poetry.
Divine theology is further divided into two subcategories: Message of Faith and incidental vessel. Message of Faith is the ultimate message that God is trying to give to us through His word; while the incidental vessel are the prophets that he relays this message through. The key concept that evolutionary creationists focus on is that the incidental vessel, prophet, is telling God’s message through that time periods view of the world. Thus giving today’s readers a misinterpretation of the true message God is trying to