Advantages Of African Americans During Reconstruction

Submitted By kparsono
Words: 703
Pages: 3

1. The first dozen years after the civil war became a period known as the Reconstruction. Which was where the federal government sent troops and agents to restore order and aid slaves’ transition to freedom. (pp. 263)

2. The first black American elected to congress was Hiram Revels, an African Methodist Episcopal Church Minister, former Union recruitment officer, and advocate of education for black people. (pp. 264)

3. The areas of life where blacks were segregated was were Tennessee passed a law requiring that blacks and whites ride in separate railroad cars. Also blacks were segregated through the school system, mandating separate schools for blacks and whites. (pp. 295)

4. The three black Amendments was the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments. These three Amendments freed slaves, secured citizenship for black people and is where black men gained voting rights. (pp. 255, 258, 266)

5. The black church was a place where people could learn to read and write or feed families. They served as recreational centers, voting information centers, employment agencies, and savings and loan institutions. (pp. 341)

6. The progressive movement was where people from all races and political parties, sought to perfect society. Improving the lives of colored Americans was also part of the progressive movement. (pp. 323)

7. Two advantages of blacks during Reconstruction was educational opportunities and authority within the black community.

8. Congress passed three new Reconstruction acts. The first divided the South into five military districts, sending federal troops to maintain order and protect freed people. The second required formal Confederate states to draft constitutions guaranteeing black male suffrage. The third required that former Confederate states could send congressmen to Washington only after state legislatures had ratified the Fourteenth Amendment.(pp. 265)
9. Jim Crow laws were used to segregate race. During Reconstruction, federal officials gradually stopped investing time, effort, and money in southern freedom. (pp.295)

10. Social Darwinism was an operation to weed out the unfit. Social Darwinists concluded that black Americans had difficult lives because they were unable to adapt to modern society. Which lead to social inequality. (pp.299)

11. The lifestyles differences among the black middle class and the working class was that

12. About one in three African Americans had access to schooling and only one in a thousand attended college. (pp.291)

13. The National Association of Colored Women (NACW), a federation of forty urban black women’s clubs from around the nation. NACW planned to focus on children and home life. Members envisioned black families creating the cornerstone of a strong national community, teaching children to seek personal success while helping others. (pp.320)

14. W.E.B. Dubois interpreted that Pan-Africanism meant that the world’s colored peoples should unite against white imperialism at home and abroad. (pp.328)

15. Three black organizations for progress were; American Negro Academy whose targeted strategy was to promote study conferences, and publications of African Americans’ scholarly work.