Exam Study: Biology: Different Types Of Skin Diseasees

Submitted By izzysammour
Words: 762
Pages: 4

Izzy Sammour April 28, 2014 4th period Exam Study Gude

The anatomical position is a standard position of standing erect, facing forward with arms hanging down and palms facing forward.

The different shapes of bacteria and their names are: cocci- spherical shaped, bacilli- spiral shaped, and spirilla.

A skin disorder that falls under the term Tinea is ringworms; ringworms are easily spread if someone comes into physical contact with the infection.

The parts of the Integumentary System that are referred to as appendages are the nails, hair, and exocrine glands (skin glands).

The most common type of skin cancer is out of three; melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and Squamous cell.

The mucosae layer of tissues forms the wall of the digestive tube.

The roof and the floor of the mouth have hard and soft palates.

The bones of a newborn child are softer and tenderer, which are easily breakable. Adult bones, however, are harder and it is more difficult to break of sprain them.

Ossification is the process of bones getting harder as one grows older.

Blood is formed in the bone marrow.

The bone disorder that results in swayback posture is Lordosis, in hunchback posture is Kyphosis, and in side to side curvature of the spine posture is Scoliosis.


The part of the brain that helps in maintaining homeostasis is equilibrium.

The 23rd chromosome determines the sex of the offspring. The symbols that represent male and female are:

The connective tissue is the most abundant body tissue.

Creating an exact copy of a DNA molecule, whereas transcription is the process of transcribing genetic information from DNA to RNA is replication.

The gall bladder produces bile.

Nondisjunction is the failure of one or more pairs of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids to separate normally during nuclear division, usually resulting in an abnormal distribution of chromosomes in the daughter nuclei.

A pedigree depicts the relationship within a family or organism according to certain traits that is identified within a key.

Hemophilia is caused from genetics; it is a medical condition in which the ability of the blood to clot is severely reduced, causing the sufferer to bleed severely from even a slight injury.

Karyotyping is the picture depicting a person’s chromosomes. By looking at this diagram, one can tell that the offspring has Down syndrome if there are fewer chromosomes than necessary; there should be 23.

The body system that compliments the skeletal system the most if the muscular system.

The purpose of the Human Genome project is to provide an accurate sequence of the three billion DNA base pairs that make up the human genome.

Impetigo is a contagious bacterial skin infection forming pustules and yellow crusty sores.

Scabies is a contagious disease that causes itching, leading to small raised red spots; result of the itch mite.

The 3 divisions of the nervous system are:
The Central Nervous System- the