Example Of Uniff Research Paper

Words: 497
Pages: 2

Some children have the virtue to partake in the luxuries of life, while some others can barely see the lux in the grim uncertainty of their own lives. Children are oblivious of the world around them and have done nothing wrong, yet they are punished nonetheless by war, poverty, and famine. It tears my heart apart to simply imagine the adversities which they must face everyday. Equality and human dignity seemed to have lost themselves somewhere in between greed and extreme ideologies. My conscience and my empathy for these children have invoked me to take a stand against this injustice; I decided to become a member of UNICEF.

When the chance came, I took the initiative to not only be a part of my high school’s UNICEF cabinet, but also to take up a major position in California’s Bay
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Working closely with other high schools in the region, we organized an event that mimicked UNICEF’s major ceremony– the Snowflake Ball– as a means to raise awareness of the Syrian controversy. We advocate for all members and nonmembers alike to take on a more active position in helping innocent people caught in the midst of war. As the media director, I personally created various pieces of publicizing material in order to encourage more people to come to the event, highlighting that all proceeds go toward humanitarian aid for Syria. I oversaw the step-by-step process to organize and prepare for the event. Nominated by fellow council members and other UNICEF officers in the Bay Area, I also had the opportunity to do the Snowflake Ball’s keynote speech. As I stood before the stage, with 200 peering eyes looking at me, I recapitulated the true reason for