Examples Of Atticus A Role Model In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Pages: 3

Radical Role Model
According to the 2017 Merriam-Webster Dictionary, role model is defined as a person whose behavior in a particular role is imitated by others. Role models are good influences that should be in this world more than any other kind of person. Atticus Finch is indeed a good role model. Not only does he see everyone as equal, but he also is a gentleman and is respectful of others, regardless of their mental state, or color of their skin. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus is characterized as a rolemodel.
For instance, Atticus is characterized as a role model through being an egalitarian. Atticus is being an egalitarian when he defended Tom Robinson in court. When Scout was at school Cecil Jacobs announced in the school yard that Atticus
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She asked “Do you defend Niggers, Atticus?” (Lee 99) to which he responded “Of course I do.” (Lee 99). This example reinforces and illustrates Atticus being a role model because he shows that he doesn’t judge based off of skin color. It is a part of his job to defend whoever hires him as their lawyer, and to do it with determination. In fact, he fought hard on this case to make sure Tom Robinson was innocent. In brief, Atticus is doing his job, not discriminating, and actually fighting hard for Tom Robinson. Another example that advocates Atticus Finch as being an egalitarian is when he yelled at Jem for tormenting Boo Radley. Jem, Dill, and Scout were trying to get Boo Radley to come out of his house so they could see what he looked like. They had only heard stories about him so they were curious to find out. In hopes that it would lure him out of his home, the three devised a plan. They would put a note on the end of a fishing pole and cast it by Boo Radley’s window. If all went well he would read the note and show his face that way the children could see him. The note would not detach so Jem went up and rang the doorbell excessively. In the act, Atticus seen him and demanded he