Examples Of Deformity In Sundiata

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Deformity in modern fairytales and Sundiata The epic story “Sundiata – The King of Mali”, covers a range of aspects that a modern fairytale would show throughout the story. Such as the aspect of deformity or being defined as handicap – an abnormal position of a joint/body part and ruins the relationship between the impairment and tasks of daily living. The aspect of deformity can make a character appear as a weak, make a character become isolated/picked on, and make a character decide to overcome or learn to live with the deformity they have. As soon as Sundiata came out the whom, in the eyes of Sassouma, he is a weak link. He was ugly and feeble (could not walk) and saw this as an opportunity to attack him and make sure her son, Dankaran …show more content…
The aspect of deformity in these movies put the characters in situations to be picked on but also stronger to overcome their disability and seize the day. For instance, in “Finding Nemo” the character Dory has a disability that affects her short-term memory. Nemo’s father and Dory’s goal was to find Nemo; which was a frustrating journey for Nemo’s father and that pushed him to isolate and talk down on Dory, but she never gave up on the search to rescue Nemo. Despite Nemo’s father attitude toward Dory and her struggle with short-term memory loss, she never lost courage. Dory always has a positive outlook on life, and by the end of the day she found Nemo and brought him back safely to his …show more content…
The character, Quasimodo fights with a deformed back and being ugly. Throughout the movie, his is isolated, mocked and picked on. He has poor social skills and is scared to approach a woman by the name, Esmeralda. At one point, she displays compassion towards him, he assumes that she was romantically into him, and he was heartbroken when he discovered that Esmeralda's hearts belong to Phoebus. Even though Esmeralda mislead Quasimodo he did not let that stop him from saving her during the battle for the cathedral. Quasimodo successfully stops Frollo's guards from harming Esmeralda or the village. At the end, a young girl comes from the crowd and hugs Quasimodo. The crowd sees him as a hero for his efforts and adore him despite his deformity. Deformity / having a disability refers to a condition that curtails someone ability, which can be mentally or physically. Sundiata proved himself to be a great warrior, but he was less interested in power than in once again making West Africa a safe place to travel and trade. Dory proves herself to not be helpless and was not worried much about praise but the help those she loves and make them happy. And lastly, Quasimodo; he gained the respect of many by using his strength and kindness regardless of his deformed back and