Examples Of Disguise In The Odyssey

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Disguise doesn't change throughout The Odyssey because it is still stories/lies, and even though physical appearance changes, this happens throughout. Throughout the book, Athena changes Odysseus' appearance, either to disguise him or make him look even more godlike than he normally looks. For example, When Odysseus bathes before a feast with the Phaeacians, she alters his appearance to make him look taller, more massive, and more godlike. Also, when Odysseus returns to Ithaca ( Book 13?), Athena disguises him as an old beggar, shriveling his skin, and dimming the fire in his eyes. He appears as a beggar who is visiting the family's pig farm, but when he is alone with Telemachus, Athena alters Odysseus' appearance back to his original looks,