Examples Of Dystopia In 1984

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Pages: 4

Finding Utopia
Utopian societies have been both written and produced since the beginning of time. Utopias are defined as “a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions” (Merriam-Webster). The pursuit of the perfect society is shown in George Orwell’s 1984, but also made known in real attempts at perfection like spiritualist Thomas Lake Harris’ Brotherhood of the New Life. Mutually, each effort resolved to show that that perfection is a myth and a utopia’s are unachievable. Both 1984 and The Brotherhood of the New Life are proven to be dystopias in the end. A dystopia is “an imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is extremely bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror” (The Free Dictionary).
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1984 is an example of a society that was supposedly ideal. However, it was really a nightmare for the main character, Winston. He sees his world, Oceania, as the corrupt and cruel place it unfeignedly is. The inner party of Oceania tries to control every aspect of its country’s life. Winston writes in his diary “Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death” (Orwell 27). Winston has come to the realization that he has been brainwashed since birth that the Party is all he has, and that simple things like freedom of thought have been stricken from him. He now realizes his foolishness and recognizes Oceania as a dystopia. Leaders of societies try to control all those inferior. Brotherhood of the New Life was categorized as a utopia. “This community was known as ‘The Use.’ All its members denied Self completely and surrendered themselves to the Divine Use or purpose” (Dictionary of American Biography). They were unable to notice they were in a society that was not by any means perfect. They believed in civic duty and their respective religion so they were naïve to the fact that the way they were living was not ideal. Utopian societies dissolve into dystopias, but leaders of these places try to enlighten their followers to believe that it is an ideal …show more content…
Leaders of communities in utopian settings attempt to create an environment that they see fit to be a perfect world. It is impossible for everyone to have the same idea of their perfect world leaving the leader to abhorred and immoral rules that suit his wants. Harris was a big offender of rules to suit his wants and desires. One article mentions “that the members of the community were Harris’ slaves” (Sreenivasan). Harris was successful in brainwashing his community through religious teachings. He was exposed by Alzire Chevaillier who illustrates to the public that Harris was not a pure spiritualist like he was perceived to be (Sreenivasan). Events like this one are common throughout utopian societies and literature. Utopias are proven to be dystopias through real or fictional characters that believe in a better place. Once this person exemplifies the ugly truth to outsiders, it is completely obvious to those that a misidentified glorified society is actually as the feces swathed scheme it really