Examples Of Grit In Othello

Words: 1664
Pages: 7

Chrystelle Pierre-Fils
Ms. Milliner
EES21QH. 05
January, 20. 2017 Othello and Grit
Everyone wants to be successful, but don’t necessarily have the right tools. Two of the most important tools would be grit and mindset. Both go hand in hand to make a person successful. Grit is what allows you to persevere when facing adversity. When being gritty you are less likely to give up. There are two categories when it comes down to mindset and those two are growth mindset and fixed mindset. Having a growth mindset allows you to think of setbacks as a way to learn and grow rather than a total defeat. While having a fixed mindset restrains you from allowing yourself to realize that dedication is the key to success. These two qualities come together and
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Iago is a mysterious villain who spends majority of his time plotting against Othello and Desdemona. Throughout Othello, Iago was evil, manipulative, jealous, egotistical and dishonest. Iago had a lot of motives behind hating Othello. At a certain point in the play, Iago states that he became upset with Othello because Othello passed him up for promotion. In 1.3, Iago claims he hates Othello for that reason. “I hate the Moor, and it is thought abroad, that ‘twixt my sheets, has done my office. I know not if’t be true, but I, for mere suspicion in that kind, will do as if for surety.” Iago claims that Iago’s motives were taken to greater extents only because he wanted to become lieutenant. Later on, he begins to assume that Othello was having an affair with Iago’s wife Emilia. He shows the characteristics of a growth mindset and grit by continuing to master his evil plan, which was to separate Othello and Desdemona and also try to take Cassio’s spot. Iago convinces Othello that Desdemona was having an affair when in reality, Desdemona was completely …show more content…
His mindset is a fixed mindset. The reason behind this is because Brabantio wanted his daughter to stick to the norm and during that time period, Othello and Desdemona's relationship just didn’t fit into the “norm.” He wanted his daughter to follow the traditions of the Venetia custom. Before Desdemona and Othello eloped, Brabantio didn’t have a problem with Othello. He began to dislike Othello when he learned that his daughter was marrying a black man, and having sexual relations with that same black man. To Brabantio, their relationship wasn’t considered natural. In 1.3, Brabantio states, “She, in spite of nature. Of years, of country, credit, everything. To fall in love with what she feared to look on! It is a judgement maimed and most imperfect. That will confess perfection so could err against all rules of nature.” Brabantio is saying that his daughter loving and marrying a black man isn’t normal and his daughter shouldn’t love someone that she should be afraid of, The lack of grit is noticeable because Brabantio would’ve been able to stop them from being with each