Examples Of Heroism In Beowulf

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Pages: 4

In Beowulf there is the reoccurring themes of Vengeance and Heroism throughout the entire time. Heroism on it's own does not spontaneously happen, and it also does not happen without some sort of purpose or outside force causing it to happen. Instead, Heroism gets progressively developed in Beowulf after these certain acts of Vengeance are first displayed. Heroism throughout Beowulf also will not occur without it first becoming a reaction to these acts of Vengeance. Most of the time however, these demonstrations of Vengeance that are being reacted to are often structured throughout those of Heroism. It is because of these reoccurring themes of Heroism and Vengeance that we can gather that Heroism in Beowulf is not something that happens alone, …show more content…
The cycle of vengeance starts earlier than the scope of Beowulf. Hearing of the attacks against his homeland, Beowulf shows up to help defend them against Grendel. “A thane of Hygelac heard in his homeland/of Grendel’s deeds” and upon hearing of what was occurring within his homeland, Beowulf stocks a boat and sails home (168-169). Beowulf is in Hrothgar’s kingdom to take vengeance against Grendel for his actions against Hrothgar and his people. Beowulf becomes a hero by defeating Grendel. He rips off Grendel’s arm for a trophy as an exhibit of his heroic