Examples Of Honesty In Huckleberry Finn

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Pages: 3

In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain `there are many dishonest, insincere, and treacherous characters. However; one character in particular, portrays the complete opposite characteristics and displays having honesty and true sincerity throughout the entire novel. Jim, a runaway slave, is arguably the most honest and sincere character, even though he often faces very difficult situations that many wouldn’t be able to handle. Jim is able to be so sincere with other people because Jim is a slave and he has to watch what he says or bad things would occur. Jim demonstrates his love and devotion to his wife and children when he runs away from Miss Watson. “Well, you see, it ‘uz dis way. Ole missus...dat’s Miss Watson...she pecks on me I …show more content…
Another reason why Jim is honest and sincere is because when Huck is pulling pranks and teasing him, Jim expresses his feelings towards Huck’s cruel and insensitive actions. “Found a rattlesnake in there...curled him up on the foot of Jim’s blanket...Jim flung himself down on the blanket...He jumped up yelling…”(Twain 54-55.) . One of Huck's pranks on Jim was when Huck found a dead rattlesnake and placed it in Jim’s bed. This led to Jim getting bit by the snakes mate later that night. Jim still considers Huck a friend after doing this and shows that he is truly honest and sincere about his feelings and friendships. Jim also expresses sincerity about his friendship with Huck when he takes part of Huck's shift. “I had the middle watch, you know, but I was pretty sleepy by that time, so Jim he said he would stand the first half of it for me; he was always mighty good that way, Jim was” (Twain 131.) Jim, Huck, The Duke, and The King, were all on a raft, and decided to have shifts to keep watch, when it was Huck’s turn, Jim said he would take part of Huck’s shift. This proves that Jim truly cares for Huck, and that the friendship with Huck is very meaningful to