Examples Of Hospitality In The Odyssey

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Pages: 4

The Odyssey of Homer, translated by Allen Mandelbaum, is the story of a Greek hero, Odysseus, who struggles to return home after the Trojan War. Odysseus experiences many hardships and obstacles along his journey. Among his many journeys, he encountered many forms of hospitality. In this epic poem, hospitality is crucial; its purpose is to provide aid to those who need it, a method used by the gods to test individuals. Awful hospitality, in which the gods do not, shows disrespect from the host and/or the guest. Exceptional hospitality must show the kindness and respect between the host and the guest.
There were many displays of terrible hospitality throughout the Odyssey. The suitors, for example are rude and disrespectful guests in the halls of Odysseus. Telemachus complains to Antinous that he “cannot feast in peace / or be content. What more do you [Antinous] require? Through all those years / when I was still a boy, you suitors squandered / the riches that
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Homer characterizes the suitors’ impropriety and disregard of Odysseus and his family. He also used poetic justice to show the gods will punish the suitors with death after their many years of pillaging through Odysseus’ wealth. Another example of cruel hospitality is Polyphemus. Odysseus had begged for hospitality, but rather than giving it to Odysseus and his men, Polyphemus had sprung up and “stretched his hands and snatched two of my [Odysseus] men / at once and smashed them to the ground like pups: / their brains gushed out and wet the earth” (Homer, Odyssey 9.281-313). Homer characterizes Polyphemus’s negligence and cruel treatment towards Odysseus, a traveler in need of hospitality. Due to Polyphemus’s antipathy, Odysseus is rejected and faces death when Polyphemus retaliated cruelly