Examples Of Hubris In The Trojan War

Words: 344
Pages: 2

The book, The Trojan War, introduced many different and new themes into the world. In these themes is the concept of hubris. Hubris’ dictionary definition is “exaggerated pride or self-confidence.” In other words, it means so overconfident that it could cause trouble for not only that one person, but also the people around them. A great example of this is Achilles after his fight with Agamemnon over Briseis (Achilles short-lived love). Thetis had persuaded Zeus to make the Trojans start to win against the Greeks until Achilles started fighting again. Achilles’ stubbornness convinced him to not fight or even help the struggling Greeks up to the point that they almost lost the war. Finally, Achilles softened just enough to send “Patroclus” to