Examples Of Human Nature In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Pages: 2

It starts with just pain, and soon it turns into bruises and broken bones, thousands of children go through this and never get to live a life without pain. Unfortunately, cycles of abuse continue throughout generations of families and research shows that children who are abused tend to abuse their children. In the novel “NIght” by Elie Wiesel, we see that people treated cruelly, often turn into cruel people themselves. The Nazis were cruel to the Jews during the Holocaust and the Jewish started to turn cruel to each other as well. The atrocities and cruel treatment by the Nazis unfortunately made the Jewish people into intimidators, tormentors and people that were only concerned for their own welfare. There are several people that showed a cruel side of human nature in the story “Night”. …show more content…
“In this place it is every man for himself and you can not think of others.” (Wiesel, 41) When Elie was in the concentration camp for the first few days he was told to never share his food, because he would never know when his next meal would be. Elie was informed that he needs to think of himself before thinking of others, that meaning he was never to share his food while in the camp. The concentration camps had taught the Jews to be selfish and to look out for their only welfare. The Nazis used intimidation to scare the Jews to get what the wanted. “If you don’t give me your crown it will cost you much more.” (Wiesel, 54). Elie would not give up his gold tooth, so instead Franek used intimidation methods to scare him. Franek knew Elies weak spot, his father. Elie's father was beat up and Elie was “forced” to give Franek his gold