Examples Of Ignorance In George Orwell's '1984'

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Pages: 2

George Orwell show’s ignorance in strength by using the proles and the party in his book 1984. The proles are the majority of the population and are living in complete poverty, while the party is the minority and live just above complete poverty; the only difference is that the proles know nothing while the party is aware of their depressing state”

The proles proving this true. The Proles in 1984 are extremely happy, but this happiness comes with a catch. They do not know anything of what's going on in the party “Until they become conscious they will never rebel and until the have rebelled they cannot become conscious” this shows the the proles who make up 85% of the population can rebel they just know nothing of the “totalitarian government” they are under. they are ignorant. But this ignorance gives them strength, it allows them to be happy.For how can you be sad about something you never realize. “she was singing in a powerful contralto” This Woman is singing outside Winstons window as he and julia are laying in their room. Despite being a prole she still sings unknowing or not caring about her situation and how hopeless it is,
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That seems sketchy but hear me out. If they never questioned the party they’d never be sent to torture. never going to torture means never being in pain, never having to understand the implications of room 101 being able to avoid pain from the thought police and suffering a mental destruction at the hands of O’brien ““How many fingers, Winston?” “Four! Stop it, Stop it! How can you go on? Four! Four!” “How many fingers, Winston?” “Five! Five! Five!” “No, Winston, that is no use. You are lying. you still think there are four How many Fingers, please?”” This proves that having not known 2+2=4 and just going along with what the party says Winston would’ve saved himself pain and misery. The party members have to go through this torture solely because they are