Examples Of Irony In The Odyssey

Words: 309
Pages: 2

Irony Paragraph

The Odyssey, an epic written by Homer, discusses dramatic irony which is the contradiction between what a character thinks what the reader or audience knows to be true and in "The Cyclops", Homer entertains the audience by describing the situation in an overly dramatic way. One of the messages that Homer conveys through "The Cyclops" episode is leadership is achieved by intelligence not brute force. This is displayed by Odysseus when he tells the Cyclops his name is Nohbody and afterwards when the Cyclopses eye is stabbed out, by Odysseus, the Cyclops yells out for help saying "Nohbody, Nohbody's tricked me"(403). Odysseus's intelligence in this situation allowed him and his crew to escape. Homers intended audience