Examples Of Ishmael Beah: A Hero's Journey

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Pages: 1

In both texts there are some things that make the the same, and there are some things that make them different, but there are a few more differences. For example in the book A Long Way Gone Ishmael Beah is the hero. He is is hero because he fought in a battle; at such a young age and lived to tell the story. One way to tell that Ishmael Beah is a hero is he went on a Hero's Journey. What is a hero's Journey you may ask. A Hero's Journey is the journey lost heroes in movies,books,etc go through. A Hero's Journey has many steps they include Separation , Initiation, Call to adventure, Assistance ,Departure, Trails, Apportch, CrisisTreasure, Result, Returns ,New life.Ishmael Beah went through these steps. In The Hobbit by J.R.R the hobbit