Examples Of Lies In The Great Gatsby

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The reason gatsby dies in the novel is because of his deceit to all the other characters in the novel. Gatsby’s major lie is about how he got his money. Gatsby lies about his past life to the other characters and all the the lies catch up to him at the end of the novel. Gatsby’s deceit leads to his death in many ways but one is that he lies about how he got his money, that leads to people looking into his past and trying to find out if he’s lying or not which he did. Gatsby received his money from bootlegging liquor, he has new money not old money he lied that he received his money from his family. This was a lie because he disowned his family because they were poor. Gatsby was supposed to inherit money from a man named dan cody but his wife stopped Gatsby from getting that money. This lie lead to his death because when tom found out he had new money instead of old money that's when things fell apart for gatsby in the novel. Gatsby had multiple lies throughout the book,Another one of Gatsby’s lies is that he went to oxford when he did not, gatsby went to St Olafs of minnesota. When tom finds out gatsby didn't go to oxford he said something about it in the hotel room. In the novel when Gatsby loses control in the hotel him and daisy storm out of the hotel and leave, over the fact that tom dug up so much about Gatsby's …show more content…
When they stormed out of the hotel daisy wanted to drive Gatsby's yellow car, When myrtle ran in front of the car she hit myrtle, But Gatsby lied to protect daisy and said it was him driving. This lie that gatsby told was his biggest lie that lead to his death in the novel. This also lead to Wilson think Gatsby was the one cheating with myrtle, when it was actually Tom that was cheating with her. Wilson ended up going to Gatsby’s house and and shooting him in the back and killing him, Then killing