Examples Of Lying In Huckleberry Finn

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Pages: 5

Everyone copes with insecurities throughout the duration of their lives. However, the amount they affect an individual varies greatly. Some may only experience minor negative thoughts, while others face much larger issues that can potentially consume them. With the stress of not impressing others, or even being ashamed of one’s self, those victims may result to lying in order to subside the pain. It’s much easier to act as a different person rather than constantly being plagued with self hatred towards their original self. If society maintains to use this method of deception, the world will never be able to escape the concept of lying. In Mark Twain’s classic book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, characters such as Huck, Jim, the two con artists, and others, continually lie for many different purposes. Some pertain to receiving benefits, others for amusement, but many covertly disguise a person’s true appearance. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Twain uses …show more content…
Almost every character within the book used a form of deception in order to better themselves, others, or all of humanity. However, lying for the purpose of covering up their true self has no benefits towards anyone, including that individual. The abolition of a human’s weaknesses does no good to anyone. It simply lies to society and makes that person even more cowardice. Despite all of this, mostly everyone still manages to deceive others in this way, possibly because they’ve all grown accustomed to it. If somebody doesn’t like any of their flaws they instead create a new image, and that is what is now “normal”. They ignore the fact that lying is immoral, and that what they are doing is wrong in the eyes of many. Overall, is it better to hide those insecurities or face them straight