Examples Of Masculinity In Othello

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Pages: 4

Iago’s Manipulation of Masculinity
The Tragedy of Othello from William Shakespeare revolves around the central idea of performing one identity publicly, whilst being something else privately. Throughout the play, Shakespeare explores the idea of individuals possessing dual personalities, their personal and private lives. Othello is an investigation into the performance of masculinity; Iago reflects masculinity on the outside yet he subverts masculinity and is lost in the control of his jealousy and sinful thoughts on the inside. Throughout this speech, I will discuss the ideas that: The central male characters are being used to explore the models of masculinity in the Elizabethan Era, how Cassio reflects all the masculine traits but is undermined and controlled by the thoughts of Iago and how Iago further controls the thoughts of other to make them see a different version of reality.
What does it mean to be a man? According to the Oxford Dictionary masculinity is defined as the “Qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of men.” But what does this really mean? To be strong? Independent? How about being successful in a job and providing for your family?
During the Elizabethan Era, masculinity was a group of culturally agreed traits that are associated with ‘being a man’.
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This façade of having two different personalities enables him to be seen by others as a trusting masculine person. The façade also hides away his plans from clear sight as others will trust him and not believe that he is doing anything wrong. A clear representation of this façade is when Iago is talking to Othello and he announces that “Men should be what they seem;” (3.3.118-128) whilst he is not doing this himself; his façade allows him to say this and for Othello to believe it and make him think that he is telling the