Examples Of Mccarthyism In The Crucible

Words: 410
Pages: 2

What would happen to me if I were falsely accused of communism? What would happen to me if I were falsely accused of witchcraft? These are both questions that people were asking themselves in the 1690’s and the 1950’s. People during those times were very scared of these things because of the consequences that came along with being accused. During the Red Scare, people would be blacklisted, ridiculed, and shamed because of being accused of communism, same goes for the Puritans during the Salem Witch Trials. The Crucible is definitely an allegory for McCarthyism.

To begin, the first connection between McCarthyism and The Crucible is that McCarthy would take advantage of the people’s fear, as would the girls in The Crucible. McCarthy exaggerated