Examples Of Mentoring In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Pages: 4

To Kill a Mockingbird
Good Parenting

Aditya Aryaman
Ms. Vendittelli
A parent nurtures their child and they shape their child’s personality with the hope of their child’s success. To Kill, a Mockingbird is about the development of Scout Finch’s development as a character and her personality changing because of the people around her. The 3 people that influence Scout are Miss. Maudie, Calpurnia, and Atticus. Calpurnia teaches Scout respect, Miss. Maudie teaches tolerance, and the person who affects Scout the most, Atticus teaches her empathy. Harper Lee’s, To Kill a Mockingbird, explores Scout Finch’s development as she learns to be a respectful, tolerant, and emphatic person through the positive mentoring of
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Don’t matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this house’s yo’ company, and don’t you let me catch you remarkin’ on their ways like you so high and mighty! Yo' folk might be might be better than the Cunninghams but don't nothin' the way you're disgracing ‘em” (24).
This shows how Calpurnia teaches Scout respect by telling her to avoid the hierarchy of Maycomb and to treat everyone equally no matter ho much they earn, their skin colour, or their status in society. She wants Scout to know that Walter may have less than her family but that he is still a human and disserves the same amount of respect. This lesson of respect is shown throughout the book through Scouts actions, but one moment that stood out was when aunt Alexandra told Scout to not spent time with Walter as he is lesser than her. Scout, who had learned that everyone should be treated equally said, "It was her callin’ Walter Cunningham trash that got to me… that boy’s not trash, Jem! He ain’t like the Ewells” (226). This shows that the lesion Calpurnia taught Scout worked as Scout felt the insulted that aunt Alexandra spoke badly about Walter whereas Scout felt the Walter is an equal. This shows that Scout is not a typical Maycomb girl who follows the hierarchy but, someone who looks past it and respect everyone. This was the lesson that Calpurnia taught which truly affected Scout and changed the way she was to the way she is at this moment. Most people in Maycomb are not very respectful which requires Scout to become tolerant in order to remain respectful to