Examples Of Nature Vs Nurture In The Great Gatsby

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The Truth behind the American dream and how they got to the point in their life where they living it before or did they grow into it once they “so called” reached it , are all addressed in Scott, Fitzgerald, “The Great Gatsby”, (Daisy, Gatsby, Tom,). Where the so- called standard of the the common dream was either they came on to it on their own or their family already had the traits. East egg and West egg was Nature Vs Nurture with their old money new money views. East egg being the natured money and West egg the Nurtured money. The Fiction writing of Fitzgerald in the Harlem renaissances time period has the key examples of Nature Vs Nurtured. Daisy, Tom, Gatsby and Nick all have perfect personalities and characteristics to describe if they …show more content…
Her family did expect her to marry well and be happy, however the kind of life Daisy has been exposed too by being married to Tom is a nurtured personality. Daisy comes from a wealthy family and money she had all the privileges but never really got to live them because she was young, her life with tom has given her money and a real life look into the idea can buy you happiness since Tom is having an affair and daisy is still with him she has been nurtured into the American dream. She has been so far nurtured that she no longer knows the standards of life without the love and affection of Tom, although she finds her love and passion for Gatsby again her money and loyalty belongs to the person who has given her the life she knows. Daisy says “All right,' I said, 'I'm glad it's a girl. And I hope she'll be a fool that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool” (Fitzgerald 14). While having dinner with Tom, Nick and Jordon. Tom’s mistress calls and although daisy knows who it is she tries to ignore him being on the phone. Jordon says to Nick “Shh. be quiet I’m trying to hear was they say.” (Fitzgerald 13) Daisy is one of the characters that people who want to live the American dream would compare themselves to her. However she is trying to keep her appearance up while knowing about the affair her husband is having, but daisy does not want to break her …show more content…
“Tom's family is rich. Really rich. Not well-to-do like Nick's family, and not nouveau riche like Gatsby, but staggeringly wealthy, with money going way back” (Shmoop Editorial Team).His characteristics and personality are fully natured by his parents and his life before he was an adult. Tom ‘s family is a more stuck up kind of rich they where use to getting what they want and that rubbed off on tom, he feels he can cheat and not be punished but Daisy can’t do that at all. When Nick first gets to Tom and Daisy’s hose Nick begins to give background on tom and daisy and flash into their past and their college days of tom be so popular. Tom is the biggest look of the American dream he was always good at school and all the athletics, and he was rich the idol everyone looks up too. His up bring and constantly getting what he wants gives him this attitude that he can do whatever he wants and get away with it something that was fully natured into him from his parents. His personality and anger towards daisy when Gatsby showed her attention like at Gatsby’s party shows he is used to being privileged. He is completely natured into everything he does and has never had to work for anything or anyone he knows daisy will not go anywhere because she is naive and comfortable with him and as long as he comes back to daisy.” He nodded sagely.