Examples Of Nostos In The Odyssey

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Pages: 5

In The Odyssey, Odysseus’ Nostos, return home, was more theatrical and elaborate than it should have been. His return home was not as glamourous as he thought it would be, with all of the suitors trying to win over his wife. He spent a great deal of time plotting vengeance of the suitors. Odysseus was determined to purify his home of all unloyalties and regain control over his kingdom. This resulted in a barbaric slaughter of innocent foreigners and citizens of Ithaca. Odysseus’ central goal was to get revenge on the suitors, but the slaughter got out of control and this is evident in the extreme imagery used in the novel.
Odysseus was determined to get revenge on the suitors, by showing how much authority he had over them. He knew that not many of the suitors have
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The suitors didn’t have respect for the loss of their leader or for Telemachus and Penelope. When Odysseus came back to the palace in disguise and saw how the suitors were acting he was furious and knew he had to get revenge for their immature behavior. Throughout most of Odysseus nostos back to the palace, the suitors don't know that Odysseus is among them just in disguise. As Odysseus sees the suitors taking advantage of what it rightfully his and this is what causes him to get so much rage. Odysseus kills the suitors because they were taking what belonged to him and his family. The suitors were trying to take away his home and wife. The suitors also planned to kill Telemachus. Odysseus wanted to avenge their behavior. He thought that the best to do this, was to kill everyone that disobey him. In this case imagery shows the audience, how much the suitors react to seeing Odysseus threatens them. When he reveals himself to the suitors, they are all shocked and once Odysseus says he is going to kill them all, the suitors know that they got themselves into deep trouble. “ Terror gripped them all, blanched their faces white, each man glancing widely- how to