Examples Of Personification In Night By Elie Wiesel

Words: 393
Pages: 2

The novel Night is written by a Jewish man named Elie Wiesel, and how he survived the German concentration camps of WWII. Wiesel endures so much as a 15 year old boy. After surviving the camps, he decided to write a story to tell the world what happened in the Holocaust. Wiesel uses language to create meaning in the memoir by using personification and repetition. One literary device that Wiesel uses in the Night is personification. He says in the novel “My soul had been invaded-and devoured-by a black flame”(Wiesel 37). This quote can have many meanings. A way the reader can interrupt this quote is by thinking that it gives the atmosphere a dark mood. It also can mean that he is giving up on everything he has ever known because he can not