Examples Of Poor Eyesight In Tangerine By Edward Bloor

Words: 401
Pages: 2

Do you every feel like you don’t have a voice? In the novel Tangerine written by Edward Bloor, Paul struggles with his confiedence as he has to constantly prove to people that his poor vision isnt holding him back. Having poor eyesight makes Paul feel like he isnt good enough, causing him to lose confidence in himself. Poor vision has always been a problem for Paul as he constantly sees things others can’t, but is ignored because of him being legally blind. For example, in the beginning of the novel when Paul has his first flashback he says, ““Erik he tried to kill me”, and then his mom says “ Honey, you know how it is with your eyesight. You can’t see very well””(page 4). This makes Paul feel like he isnt good enough because of his