Examples Of Racial Prejudice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Pages: 9

Racial Prejudice is a rigid and unfair generalization and assessment which is done by certain people toward the other people without knowing clearly about them. Prejudice is a common problem during the early quarter of the twentieth century. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird this problem is evident in Maycomb. Boo Radley, Atticus Finch and Tom Robinson are all victims of prejudice, and all three characters are plagued by this. It affects them all differently; crippling them and disabling them from acting as they wish. The object of this study is Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird. , Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird tries to talk about prejudice from some angles. The author wants to show to the readers that racial prejudice can be met everywhere and every time in social life. Racial prejudice is present throughout the novel in the people of Maycomb's everyday life, as it is a novel set in the `deep south' of America in the 1930's. This is a period shortly after the American civil war, so slavery's abolishment had …show more content…
The author wants to show to the readers that racial prejudice can be met everywhere and every time in social life. All people in society even in the world can be the victim of racial prejudice. Probably we become the actor of racial prejudice in society consciously or not, even when we do it toward our neighbor in the next door. To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in Alabama during the Depression, and is narrated by the main character, a little girl named Jean Louise "Scout" Finch. Harper Lee explains the phenomenon of racial prejudice which happened in Southern America, Alabama in Depression time. She uses Maycomb County as the setting of her novel, where described having strictrules in society. People in that place cannot accept different thing outsidetheirs, and racial prejudice grows up perfectly in society, whether againstsomeone in their group or against