Examples Of Resilience In Children

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Pages: 2

Building Resilience in Children

The world can be a frightening place for children. It is difficult to protect children from all the ups and downs of life. Raising resilient children, however, is not an impossible endeavor. Being resilient does not mean that a person doesn't experience difficulty or distress. Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress.

Some children are exposed to crises such as natural disasters, crimes, violence, abuse, neglect, and separation from the things and people they value most. In the video, Kuya talked about his sibling, a special child who has a speech difficulty and delayed learning ability. Being perceived as different by many,
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Rather than letting the child detach himself completely from problems and stresses and wishing they would just go away, they must be teach to take decisive actions.

Avoiding Negativity and Inculcating Positivity to the Child. An optimistic outlook enables the child to expect that good things will happen in life, rather than let them worry about what their fears.

The family of Kuya is admirable. The child was treated equally with love and guidance and was encouraged to live a normal life despite of the many difficulties. Furthermore, the family recognizes the value of education in improving the condition and chances in life of the child. With the love and guidance of the family, the child became resilient enough to face and surpass the challenges that life has to offer.

Children need high-quality care, opportunities for developing and maintaining relationships, adequate nutrition, and support from families, educators, and communities. When these and other protective factors are in place, children experience positive development in all domains and have the internal adaptive resources to cope with trauma and stress they encounter (Pizzolongo, P. J and Hunter,